Western Front Association

Suffolk Branch

Battlefield Tours

The branch organises battlefield tours each year for members, which include an outing in Spring time, and another in the Summer.

The Spring Walk is, as the name suggests, a walking tour across the battlefield and every year a different location is chosen. The group size is  around 15 people, and usually based on the Somme battlefield, typically for 3 days following a specific theme, eg VC’s, Casualty Clearing operations, etc.

The Summer Tour is a longer trip and, as with the Spring Walk, has a theme or follows a specific action or Division. This tends to be larger in size, with up to 32 people over 4 or 5 days. We have travelled and stayed in most of the destinations where major events took place. Sometimes we find a guide from amongst ourselves but also we do employ top class guides from the wider First World War historian fraternity.

Throughout the Centenary, the Suffolk Branch has also organised a series of tours in conjunction with The Friends of the Suffolk Regiment following the story of the Regiment in each particular year.

As these tours are run on a cost recovery basis with no profit element they are often much cheaper than commercial offerings. The relaxed and friendly atmosphere make them an ideal way for ‘first timers’ to see the battlefields and new members (and friends and family) are always welcome.

Information from Dave Hedges: BRANCH TOUR 2025

Tommy and Jerry: Pursuit and Movement on the Somme
Front 1914-1918. 

All looks well for us to have a 2025 Suffolk Branch Tour, lead by our very own Andrew Lock, chaperoned by his minder dad Terry. This year we have
brought the administration back in-house. 

The dates are Monday July 21st to Thursday July 24th (3 nights/4 days) and we will be staying at the Ibis Saint Quentin Basilique in the centre of St Quentin. I cannot recall we have ever visited St Quentin so it should be an interesting change.

At present the plan is to use a 17 seater minibus. This is to keep the cost down as we have volunteer drivers, thus avoiding the cost of paying for a driver and their accommodation and meals. A 17 seater can only really accommodate 13 customers and Terry as guide makes 14. I appreciate a 17 seater is not as comfortable as a big coach but the costs were creeping up last year.

Doing it ourselves has reduced the costs significantly, as much as half the price. It is important to note however that the prices are based on an estimate and in the worst case, should unforeseen costs arise, we will all have to pay for them. If there is more demand than 13 we could take two minibuses as we have done in the past and/or look again at a big coach.

I estimate that the cost will be £380 for a single and £275 each sharing a double/twin, including breakfast. Should you wish to pay a £20 per room supplement you could have a cancellation option right up to the day before travel.

After a day on familiar ground we will venture further south than normal.

Day 1: Outbound Travel; start of movement on the Somme front, 1916-17

Ulster Tower (October 1916)

Beaumont Hamel (November 16 – February 17)

Bouchavesnes (March 17)

Day 2: Early 1917 – Fourth Army Pursuit

Holnon / Francilly-Selency (32nd Division)

Ronssoy / Lempire / Epehy (48th Division)

Sorel / Fins / Heudicourt (8th Division)

Day 3: 1918

St Quentin German Cemetery

Australian 4th Division Memorial

Riqueval Bridge

Bellicourt British Cemetery

Somme American Cemetery, Bony

Day 4: Inbound Travel;.Trapped behind the lines, 1914 (Terry Lock in the lead)


Le Catelet

Templeux-le-Guérard (15th Suffolks)?

Please email me david.j.hedges@btopenworld.com if you are interested. I will need to book the minibus, hotel and crossing soon so I’ll email you for a £100 deposit as soon as the trip looks on. This deposit is only to show  commitment.  I would return it if you have to drop out. 

Battlefield Tour 1
Battlefield Tour 2

The Big Bus trip to the Marne region has had to be cancelled. There were just too many diary clashes to reach the required number.

Undaunted, work has started on a Battle Honours tour as Big Bus 2024. The theme will be ’20 things you did not know about Picardy’. The dates pencilled in are for three nights departing Stowmarket Saturday 29 June and returning Tuesday 2 July.

Clive Harris is working on an itinerary and a price – more details as soon as received . We have eight travellers booked to date so hopeful this will be the start of an excellent trip. It will likely be based in Amiens.

Tour Proposal -The Battlefields of Champagne 7th to 11th September 2023

This often-overlooked campaign lasted through the Summer of 1918 but commenced on 27 May with the ‘shock and awe’ of the German Blücher offensive, one that almost destroying three British divisions on the Chemin des Dames. The German advance to the Marne, directly threatened Paris but was held at Chateau Thierry by a mixed force of US Infantry and Marines, the first major intervention by the AEF on the Western Front.

What followed saw the ‘Rock of the Marne’ and the Mangin offensive, both of which events were acknowledged by the Germans as the turn of the tide of war, weeks before the 8 August attack to the north by BEF. Our tour will enable us study if that was in fact the case by exploring the British, French, Italian and American contribution to the Allied campaign. Based in Reims, there will also be chance to explore the Champagne Houses and vineyards, many of which had direct links to the Battle of the Marne.

7 September Travel Day Pick-up in Suffolk and Ebbsfleet for onward travel to Reims, a stop on-route on the Chemin des Dames to look at the opening phases of the battle and provide some context to the tour. – Overnight Reims

8 September Chateau Thierry and Belleau Wood – A morning study of the battle for Belleau Wood including the advance into the wood, visits to several associated sites and the nearby ABMC and German Cemeteries. After lunch we look at one of the great what ifs of the war, the Battle of Chateau Thierry and the unmanned bridge spanning the town. We also visit the US Memorial and Visitors Centre that stands guard over the river Marne and offer commanding views of the battlefield. We end the day by studying the Rock of the Marne a true symbol of American resistance in 1918

9 September The British in the Ardre Valley – The day is spent touring the nearby Ardre Valley where the British fought two actions in the summer of 1918. Firstly, the defensive battle fought by the 19th (Western) Division that slows the German advance as they attempt to encircle Reims. We then consider the offensive actions of the 51st (Highland) and 62nd (West Riding) Divisions over the same ground as they fought their way through the dense forests and rolling vineyards before reaching the commanding Montagne de Bligny at the conclusion of an intense 9-day battle. We end the day in Epernay and tour the Avenue de Champagne, the mile long thoroughfare offers an unbroken boulevard of champagne houses and bars.

10 September The battlefields of Reims – We start the day with a visit to the nearby Fort de la Pompelle to consider the French battlefields prior to the British arrival in July 1918, after visiting several sites connected to the French fighting between 1915 and 1917, we end with a visit to a Reims Champagne House for a cellar tour & tasting.

11 September 2023 Travel Day – after some free-time in Reims to visit its magnificent Cathedral, we head home via Calais and to Suffolk.

Price: £710 per person, £180 Single supplement. This includes coach, ferry, guide, and 4 nights in hotel on a B&B basis. This is based on minimum of 18 people booking. £100 deposit will be required.

Regards, Julian and Clive
Battle Honours, Hill Fram Barn, Ringshall, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 2HZ www.battle-honours.co.uk